"Package `elpy-' is unavailable with GNU Emacs 27.1 on Ubuntu 22.04


Ytsen de Boer

A couple of weeks ago I did a re-install of my Ubuntu and now I'm running into issues with my init file. See screenshot below.

I'm quite puzzled, probably something trivial, but I'm missing it ...

I've also tried http instead of https for the melpa address, same error.

screenshot of About Emacs, init file and error message

Unreplied Threads

Why do physicists use sigma while biologists use p values/posterior probabilities? [migrated]

  • User65535
  • Education
  • Replies: 0
I work in the analysis of biological data, and am familiar with the use of maths to determine a test statistic, and the comparison of this test statistic to a threshold to evaluate a hypothesis. The use of both frequentest frameworks with p values and Bayesian frameworks with posterior probabilities are common. These test statistics can be very small, in the range 10^-6 or smaller, such that talking about the exponent is most convenient. This is particularly the case in situations where multiple testing occurs, and one is discussing nominal rather than corrected test statistics.

In physics, in the popular science media at least, the significance threshold is usually talked about in terms of sigma with experimental results that reach the five or six sigma threshold being generally accepted. My understanding is this is how many observed standard deviations the test statistic is from the null hypothesis predicted value.

Under a frequentest framework assuming a normally distributed test statistic p value and sigma are directly related, in R this would be p_value = pnorm(-sigma) with five sigma ~= 3 * 10^-7 and six sigma ~= 10^-9.

What is the reason for this difference?

The biggest downside of this method would seem to be the problem of skewed distributions, where a test statistic is more likely to be within a certain number of standard deviations on one side of the mean than the other, but I am sure they have thought of that. There could be a similar issue with heavy tailed distributions.

It also makes me wonder how Bayesian maths could be used, and it is worth nothing that the physics papers a quick google brings up do not talk about sigma, and prominently include the intersection with biology.

It is worth noting that the generally accepted thresholds are very different, with 5% being common in many biological fields compared to 0.00003% of five sigma. This may well be related, but does not seem an answer in its self as one can just talk about the exponent and the numbers are similar.

How can I calculate length of wire, given its gauge and resistance?

  • nukenine
  • Physics
  • Replies: 0
As the title suggests; I am trying to calculate the length of a wire given its gauge and resistance in ohms per 1000 feet. I also have the amount of voltage drop, which is 1.1 V.

Gauge: 14 AWG
Resistance (per 1000 feet): 2.525 ohms

I researched briefly and found this equation:

Vdrop = IR

However, I don't have an amperage value, so is it possible to calculate cable length without amperage? This is a DC system.

EDIT: I may be confusing some people. I'm looking for Total Length of the Cable.

The ohms/1000 feet value came from this table here, not from me.

Código VBA. Como obter a data de um site e inserir em uma célula do Excel?

  • Denis Caixeta
  • Technology
  • Replies: 0
O código a seguir está com erro de automação/execução:

Sub ObterDataDoSite()
Dim xmlhttp As Object
Dim htmlDoc As Object
Dim data As String

' URL do site de onde você quer extrair a data
Dim url As String

' Criar uma instância do objeto XMLHTTP
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

' Abrir uma conexão com a URL
xmlhttp.Open "GET", url, False

' Enviar a solicitação

' Verificar se a solicitação foi bem-sucedida
If xmlhttp.Status = 200 Then
    ' Criar uma instância do objeto HTMLDocument
    Set htmlDoc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
    ' Carregar o conteúdo HTML da resposta
    htmlDoc.body.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText
    ' Extrair a data do HTML (ajuste esta parte de acordo com a estrutura do site)
    ' Neste exemplo, assumimos que a data está dentro de uma tag <span> com o id "data"
    data = htmlDoc.getElementById("data").innerText
    ' Colocar a data na célula B1 da planilha REGRAS
    Sheets("REGRAS").Range("B1").Value = data
    MsgBox "Falha ao obter a página. Código de status: " & xmlhttp.Status
End If

' Limpar objetos
Set xmlhttp = Nothing
Set htmlDoc = Nothing
End sub

Já habilitei "Microsoft HTML Object Library". O que pode ser?

CDN para un solo país

Tengo una duda con respecto a las CDNs ¿es conveniente tener siempre un CDN por más que mi aplicación sea para un publico de un solo país? Lo digo por los beneficios de la cache.

Separador de miles y decimales java

Estoy intentando darle formado a un jtexfield en el que introduzco un valor en € para que separe los miles con un . y pueda introducir decimales con una ,.

Tengo esto:

private void tfVSueloKeyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {     
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,###.##"); 
        if (tfVSuelo.getText().length() >= 1) {
            tfVSuelo.setText(df.format(Double.valueOf(tfVSuelo.getText().replace(".", ""))) );

Los miles me los separa bien en tiempo real con el released, pero necesito introducir la , para separar los decimales.

Si por ejemplo intento meter 1.000.000,00 me sale el siguiente error: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1000000,"

Parece que tiene algo que ver con el tipo de dato, en mi caso el valor en € lo tengo declarado como Double. No sé tampoco si a lo mejor tiene que ver con la configuración de la Región...

¿Alguien podría ayudarme para introducir la , por teclado para separar decimales?

Beep sound in Emacs on i3 over Ubuntu not work at all

  • Mitu Gabriel
  • Technology
  • Replies: 0
I had the next configuration:

  • Emacs 27.1 install from Ubuntu servers
  • i3 4.20.1 (03.11.2021)
  • Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS 64-bit

I encounter with lack of beep sound in Emacs, so:

  • C-g not produces any sound
  • M-:(beep), the same, not produces any sound
  • M-:(ding), the same

Any other sounds work fine over i3, on browsers, on terminal app, etc. The sound of identical Emacs works fine directly over Ubuntu, not i3.

How can I remediate the sound?

Xiaomi Redmi K70 Ultra certification confirms 120W charging rate

  • GSMArena.com - Latest articles
  • Android
  • Replies: 0

Xiaomi Redmi K70 Ultra certification confirms 120W charging rate​

Yordan 15 May 2024

Xiaomi just got its new top-tier Redmi smartphone certified by the 3C. The phone is expected to be called Redmi K70 Ultra, and according to the listing, it will support 120W wired charging.

The phone will likely come with Dimensity 9300+, added tipster Digital Chat Station on their Weibo page.


The new smartphone has the model designation 2407FRK8EC, suggesting it will arrive in July 2024. It will be compatible with the MDY-14-ED wired charger that outputs 120W, as well as the MDY-16-EB wireless charging stand with 80W output.

Rumors also suggested the phone will come with up to 24 GB LPDDR5T RAM and 1 TB UFS 4.0 storage. The big question is whether Xiaomi will bring new cameras to the Ultra or the only new feature will be the Mediatek chipset.

Source (in Chinese) | Via

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